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Estimate Your Product's Profitabiliy
Profit = Selling Price - Total Base Product Price - Total Marketplace Fee - Payable GST

Steps to calculate your Product’s Profit
  • Stage 1 : Calculate your Total Marketplace Fee
  • Stage 2 : Calculate your Total Base Product Price
  • Stage 3 : Check the Profitability Result

Please, input your relevant product details to get the approximate profitability on your product sale. Also refer section "Definitions" for the better understanding of the calculator usage
Note : This page input details are private to your browser only, meaning only you can see the details and it is not captured or collected by SwaBharatha.

Stage 1: Calculate your Total Marketplace Fee
Step 4: Enter Your Package weight & Dimension
Length cm     Inch
Breadth cm     Inch
Height cm     Inch
Volumetric Weight
Weight kg
Enter all required inputs! Note: Shipping providers consider higher value between Volumetric Weight and Actual Weight
Step 5: Indicative Shipping Fee (Case 1 - Shipping cost is included in Selling Price then please input your shipping fee or Standard indicative fee is considered. Case 2 - Shipping cost is excluded in the Selling Price then input zero values here, meaning shipping cost is charged to customer separately)
Currently, Bulk shipping above 35kgs is not supported!



For Selling Price ₹ 0      Product GST 0
SwaBharatha Referral Fee () 0
Payment Gateway Fee (2%) 0
Shipping Fee 000
Total Marketplace Fee (exclusive of GST)000
Amount in hand after Total Marketplace Fee deductions* 000

TCS (1%)0
Total Marketplace Fee GST (18%) 000
Note: You can claim Marketplace GST as Input tax

Stage 2: Calculate your Total Base Product Price

For Selling Price ₹ 0
Product GST 0
Total Base Product price (exclusive of GST)0

Note: You can claim this GST as Input tax

For Selling Price ₹ 0      Product GST 0
Base and Other expenses GST0
Total Marketplace Fee GST (18%)000
Paid GST 000

Total Payable GST or Expense 000
Stage 3: Profitability Result
For Selling Price ₹ 0      Product GST 0
Total Base Product Price0
Total of BasePrice & OE000
Total (Base Price+OE) + GST000
(BasePrice+OE ) inclusive of GST + Profit000
Total Marketplace Fee000
Total Payable GST000
Total Product Cost 000

Your Profit * 000
Note: * This is indicative only, it may vary by category, product price, shipping volume and distance, other expenses, applicable taxes etc.


Profitability : Factor which indicates whether you are making profit or loss on the product sale

Selling price : Price paid by the buyer for the product order ( Inclusive of Product GST and Total Marketplace fees)

Total Marketplace Fee : Price incurred to sell the product online. (Total Marketplace Fee = SwaBharatha Referral Fee + Payment Collection Fee + Shipping Fee)

SwaBharatha Referral Fee : Price charged by SwaBharatha for facilitating the online sales and establishing the relationship between buyer and seller. It is the percentage of the product selling price. It varies with respect to the product’s category and its selling price range.

Payment Collection Fee : Price charged to have a secure payment system for the customer’s product payment which supports amount transfers from variety of modes like credit cards, debit cards, wallets, UPI and many more online payments. It is standard 2% of the selling price

Shipping Fee : Price incurred for the delivery of the product package from its inventory point to the buyer’s location. It varies with respect to the distance travelled by the product package to reach the buyer. It is generally categorized as Local, Zonal and National.

Total Base Product Price : Price involved in producing the product and making it sellable. (Total Base Product Price = Base Price + Other Expenses)

Base Price : Price involved in producing the product or buying from Manufacturer / Wholesaler /Distributer.

Other Expenses : Price involved in making the product sellable (Eg: Bulk Shipping, Value added services, Packaging, Inventory management, Advertising services etc.)

Product GST : GST applicable on the product as per Government of India. Please refer link to identify your product's actual GST

Payable GST / Incurred Tax : Payable GST / Incurred Tax : Price to be paid to the Indian government after deducting the all related input tax of the product (Payable Tax = Product GST – Paid GST). Note : If payable GST turns out to be negetive, it means the product GST is lesser than the paid GST, then payable GST has to be accomodated as an additional expense and will be part of product cost itself.

Paid Tax/GST : Total tax paid at various stages of product before selling it to the customer. Note : According to Indian government instructions wherever taxes are applicable has to be paid and these taxes can be claimed as input tax.

Volumetric weight : Size of the package is converted to weight in kg. Different providers have their own formula for conversion.The most common is ((L*B*H)in cm/5000) & ((L*B*H)in cm/4000). Here standard conversion ((L*B*H)in cm/5000) is considered