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    The Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha (KKGSS) is a cooperative society based in Bengeri, Hubli, Karnataka, India. Established in 1957, the KKGSS is renowned for its significant role in the production of the national flag of India. The society has a rich history and has been contributing to the promotion of Khadi, a traditional hand-spun and handwoven fabric.

    Here are some key points about Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha:

    National Flag Production: KKGSS has been entrusted with the responsibility of producing the national flag of India. The society follows specific guidelines and standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to ensure the quality and authenticity of the flags.

    Khadi Production: In addition to the national flag, KKGSS is involved in the production of Khadi, which is a symbol of India's independence and the Swadeshi movement. Khadi represents a handcrafted, sustainable, and traditional form of textile.

    Cooperative Structure: KKGSS operates as a cooperative society, emphasizing the cooperative principles of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. The cooperative model helps empower local artisans and weavers.

    Employment Generation: The society plays a vital role in providing employment opportunities to weavers and artisans, contributing to the economic development of the region.

    Preservation of Heritage: KKGSS contributes to the preservation of India's cultural and textile heritage by promoting the use of Khadi and traditional handloom techniques.

    Community Impact: The activities of KKGSS extend beyond economic contributions, impacting the community by preserving traditional crafts and promoting sustainable practices.


    Why Choose KKGSS?

    Geo Indexed Product: GI Products encapsulate the essence of a specific geographical region, embodying unique qualities and cultural heritage, ensuring authenticity and distinctiveness in their production.

    Quality and Durability: We take pride in presenting our product, emphasizing its exceptional quality and durability which is made of pure Khadi material. 

    Authenticity:  Authenticity is our core principle. We believe in transparent practices, honest communication, and genuine dedication to delivering what we promise. Our commitment to authenticity ensures trust and reliability in every interaction, making us a brand you can rely on with confidence.


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